Android App for encrypting sensitive data Here is how your messages can be accessed legally. And although you should stay legal... Here is how your messages can remain encrypted even if the app developer is forced to provide your messages: Get it from Google Play Do you store your passwords in a text file which are prone to hacking? Do you use a password manager that seems to work like magic or needs Internet connection to work? Do you write down your passwords on paper? Say Hello to Dexacrypt, encrypt your passwords and other sensitive data and store them anywhere without requiring any internet connection. Your encrypted data will remain safe as long as only you know the secret key. You can even print the encrypted password onto a piece of paper Do you trust in whatsapp, messenger or some other messaging app to keep your messages secure while they are being sent? Do you accept the risk that your messages can be intercepted by a malicious hacker? Will you rely on others to encrypt your...
Long long ago, the Linux kernel was released with its source code for free to the world. The linux kernel does not do much on its own, but by pairing it with other free open source tools, drivers and programs such as those from GNU, you get a modern operating system primarily for the Intel x86/64 processors but also many other processor vendors. Putting the kernel and hundreds of other free tools or drivers together is not easy and thus, we had the rise of distribution or Linux Distros. Many distros were maintained by volunteers but others also had commercial companies behind them. It didn't make sense to sell a distro back then, due to Windows's monopoly, the distro's not being very polished or easy to use and most importantly made of free open source software which anyone else could easily copy to sell a competing product. So how could these distro companies make money, well, by selling support licenses. Linux would have failed a long time ago if it wasn't for its fr...